Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

'Pemanfaatan Video Tape Recorder (VTR) untuk Pengembangan Matematika Realistik di SMP"

Written By: Dr. Marsigit, M.A
Concluding Remark by: Lina Febriani (10305141007)

Realistic mathematics emphasize on construction and concrete things as the beginning point to student to get the mathematics concept. Concrete things and surrounding environmental objects can be used to be mathematics studying context in developing mathetatics relationship through the social interaction. When student study mathematics, mathematification process is happened in themselves, such as 1) horizontal mathematification and 2) vertical mathematification. The usage of VTR mathematics studying with realistic approach are good for teachers to get the chance to share their experience with the other teachers about developing the realistic mathematics studying and to reflect the developing of assesment acticity and study resource.

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