Minggu, 01 Januari 2012


Written by : Dr. Marsigit,M.A

Generally, mathematics teaches concern difficulty to handle the difference of mathematic ability in their students. Lessoning mathematics should give opportunity for teacher to use teaching method that is appropriated with student ability and the subject such as: 1)exposition method by teacher; 2)discussion method between teacher and student and just the opposite; 3)problem solving  method; 4)investigation method; 5)base accustomed competence method; 6)implementation method. The effort to encourage in order that students like about mathematics  and it’s implication about mathematics lesson such as: mathematics is investigation form activity, mathematics is creativity that needed imagination, intuition and invention, mathematics is problem solving activity, and mathematics is communication tool. In order that mathematics can be learned more interesting, implementation learning mathematic by means of steps of preparing, learning, and evaluation as: 1)preparing learning step: planning mathematics atmosphere, planning mathematics activity; 2)learning step: developing teacher function, arranging time to who and when do mathematics activity together or not together; 3)evaluation step: inspecting student activity, evaluating myself, valuing understanding, process, fact and result, valuing the result and monitoring student developing.


Written by : Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
It’s indeed for Indonesia retest paradigm building now. Education can gives a base for development of noble norm toward reformation in law, politics, economics, cultures, etc. So, reformation in educational sector is something that has to be done. National educational reformation can be done at two level, macro and micro. In macro manner, national educational reformation have to renew the point of view and develop educational paradigm and erase the obstacles from implementation of education, keep defending and improving quality and professionalism toward the new Indonesia, open arms Indonesia, democratic, uniting. For teachers, educational reformation at macro level in a few things is out of reach of their thoughts and abilities. However, teachers are keys to succeed the education. So, teachers can be objective and even subjective from educational reformation with doing development of teaching ability and order the class. But in reality, teaching is not that easy because the students think that study is not that easy. There is still big hole between teaching idealism and practice in field. Mathematics value can be seen from ontologic context, epistemologic, and aksiologic in such boundary in intrinsic value, extrinsic value, and systemic. For a math student, the lowest mathematics value is as if it’s just used alone, the highest if it’s can be used for general importance. Mathematics value that are developed have to be accompanied by critical thoughts because mathematics is critical thoughts itself. The sharpness of mathematics can see the future through teleoligy concept that what will happen in the future is at least can be seen in present time. However, there are still the other values that got to do with quality levels. At first quality, mathematics value can be seen in its outer self, but at the second and third and so on, mathematics values are metaphysical. With analogy thoughts, something that happened at act of expressing mathematics value can be used too at act of expressing noble values of nation. Noble value of nation can be reached back with translating and be translated method from the past time journey context, now, and future. This is it that what people known as hermentica method. In educational sector, teachers need to continuously evaluate the weakness or greatness of their teachings method so that they get the information to completing their teaching methods; if needed, new techniques that are more interesting and effective.

Pengembangan Blog sebagai Portofolio Digital Untuk Peningkatan Daya Matematika

Written By: Dr. Marsigit, M.A.; Bambang SHM, MKom; Kuswari Hernawati. Mkom

BLOG, short word of Weblog and is a private website that is always has its content renewed continuously with many links to another website that interesting with their own comments. In education, digital portofolio is documentation system that loading every kind of activities and reflection that can show the changing or conditional development or individual potential. Mathematics efforts consist of : mathematical communication, mathematical reasoning, mathematical problem solving, mathematical connections, positive attitudes toward mathematics.